It rained all day today and as the day wore on, the weather became progressively worse and the wind was whipping pretty hard.
When Doug got home this evening, after driving through torrential downpour and dealing with drivers that think rain=snow and thus we should drive 5mph, he decided we should watch a little "Cake Boss" to relax before we fed Weston and made dinner.
We had about 5 minutes left of the show when the power went out. It was 5:01 (according to the blinking clock on the oven when the power returned). Since our dinner required electricity, I told Doug that we would give it an hour (6pm) and if the power still wasn't on, we should go out for dinner.
About the time the power went out, I smelled Weston and decided he wasn't "fresh", so I went and changed him while Doug held the flashlight. The experience was...different. We then lit candles and played Rummikub by candlelight. After a game and a half, Weston started getting incredibly cranky. It was probably a combination of being hungry and being scared in the dark. Therefore, we finished our game while Weston serenaded us with cries. By this time, it was about 5:45. We decided we should just go ahead and go, but that we'd feed the girls first.
I put Weston in his carseat while Doug filled dog bowls. We fed the dogs and let them outside in the rainstorm. Meanwhile, I packed Weston's dinner in a lunchbox and then Doug brought the girls in and put them away. We had just picked up the carseat, diaper bag and lunchbox when the power returned.
We ended up going out to dinner anyway, since everything was packed and ready to go. Tomorrow we will have the dinner I planned for tonight.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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