Today is the Super Bowl and I don't care.
Don't get me wrong, I love football and I am very sad that today is the last football game until August, unless of course the NFL and players don't come to an agreement.
However, I still don't care about today's game. First of all, I still feel terrible, so I don't have the energy to care about it. Secondly, I don't care about either team that is playing today. I am a Saints fan and secondary to them, I am a Colts fan. Therefore, when both teams were eliminated on the first day of playoffs, I no longer cared about the teams in this year's Super Bowl.
Side note- last year, when the Saints won, I lived near New Orleans, so I saw the Super Bowl Champions parade and the Mardi Gras celebrations that honored the Saints. It was awesome!
I guess I'll "cheer", and I use the term loosely, for Green Bay, just because I don't like Ben Roethlisberger. He is not a man of morals, so I don't choose to back him or his team.
We'll see how it goes...if I stay up long enough to see the end.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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