When I went into the hospital to have Weston, the nurse gave me some Ambien to help me sleep during early labor. Since my goal was to naturally labor without an epidural, I would need all the rest I could get.
Not only did the Ambien not help me sleep (whether it was nerves, excitement, fear, etc., it didn't work), but I also was having hallucinations on the medication. From across the room, I could see a Hawaiian hula girl, made out of a coconut and she was very pregnant. She then began having contractions and giving birth on the table upon which she was standing.
The cough medicine the doctor gave me yesterday for this flu, which, by the way is still taking everything out of me, is also giving me hallucinations. Last night, I saw a shadow monster on the wall and he dragged me into a tornado. I was never scared of ghosts or monsters when I was little, but at 26, seeing the monster on my wall was a bit scary. I think I was more concerned for Weston's safety than mine, but monsters are no fun.
Doug still seems unscathed by the flu. Weston, however, is starting to have a cough. Because he still has an appetite, energy and no fever, the pediatrician won't see him. I'd rather nip it in the bud, but I'm not a doctor.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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