February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day y'all!  I've had a rough month (+), but hopefully I'm on the mend.
Doug and I went out to dinner.  Weston stayed with my parents.  It was a very nice evening.
In honor of Valentine's Day, I'm going to fill out a survey.  Boring, I know, but at least I'm posting.
How long have you and your significant other been together?  3 1/2 years
How did you meet? (What’s your love story?) We met through a mutual friend. Doug was in town for Labor Day weekend and the friend invited both of us to go to trivia night.  We enjoyed each other's company and ended up going out 3 more times that weekend.  Shortly after, I got a job closer to where Doug lived and that was it. Here's the full story.
If married, how long have you been married? 2 1/2 years next month 
If you are married, where did you get married? Big or small wedding? We got married at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church in Bradenton, FL.  Our wedding was medium-sized.
Do you have any nicknames that you call one another? Not really
Name 3 things you love most about your honey. #1 His love for his family #2 His work ethic #3 His ability to be incredibly laid-back, in turn keeping me calm (or trying to).
Tell us how he proposed.  After recreating our first weekend together, he took me to the park where we sat for many hours talking and proposed to me by the dolphin fountain.
Is he a flower and teddy bear kind of guy, or strawberries, champagne and rose petals? He brings me flowers (not always roses and not always red) on occasion, not just Valentine's Day, but otherwise, he thinks outside the box.
Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or a pop a movie in and relax on the couch? Definitely a movie and couch type of girl.
Tell us one thing you’d like to do with your significant other one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere? I'd like to take our child(ren) to all the baseball parks in the U.S. (and the one in Canada).  This would allow my hubby to share his love of baseball with the children and allow me to see the U.S.
Tell us what you plan on doing this Valentine’s Day. We will try to go out to dinner, exchange gifts and spend time with Weston.
Are you asking for anything for Valentine’s Day? Nope, I'd be perfectly happy with sitting at home staring at each other, no gifts exchanged, if it means spending time with my husband and son.
Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love. Always remember why you fell in love with the person.  Date nights and being silly together help too. ;-)