I couldn't sleep last night. I tossed and turned the entire night. About 9:30, I started feeling sick to my stomach. For the next two hours, I threw up/dry heaved every 15 or so minutes.
I ended up going to the urgent care center, which turned out to be a waste of time. The doctor told me I was dehydrated (no!), but that she didn't want to give me fluids, she'd rather I go to the ER for that. After checking me for pancreas or gallbladder issues, she wrote me a prescription for stomach meds and sent me home, telling me dinner didn't agree with me. Except that dinner would have made me sick a lot less than 12 hours later.
I came home and slept for about 4 hours. Poor Doug went to get the prescription filled and our insurance wouldn't approve the medicine. However, he had to sit at Walgreens for an hour to find that out. They told him he could get 5 pills for $106 or get the full prescription for $600. He went back to the urgent care center and got 20 pills for $24.
Doug finally got home and took a nap himself. He's been taking care of Weston and letting me rest.
Therefore, I am just taking the medicine and hanging out in bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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