April 10, 2011

Hurt Feelings

When I woke up this morning, I checked my Facebook feed, well, because that's what I do.  I guess maybe it helps me feel connected to the outside world when my biggest entertainment for the day is a 9 month old and I don't see an adult all day until Doug gets home from work.

Anyway, I checked my feed and saw that one of my friends had joined a specific group.  This group is dedicated to breastfeeding and bashing formula feeding.  I just recently discussed the choice to breastfeed vs. formula feeding.  I feel that however you feed your child is your business and you should not condemn those who feed their child differently.

I was very hurt that my friend would join this group because it makes me wonder if she condemns me for formula feeding Weston.  I have thought about this group all day long.  My feelings have been very, very hurt by the fact that there are many, many people in this world that feel that those who do not nurse their children are bad parents, selfish and lazy.

As far as giving my child nutrition, I am just as good of a mother as any other mother out there.  I may be better than or lack in other areas compared to other mothers, but my child is as healthy and well-fed as any other baby.

I do not feel as if I should have to defend my and millions of other women's choice to formula feed our baby.  Whether children are formula fed because of health issues or because a mother prefers to isn't anyone's business to comment on.  I am SO tired of breastfeeding mothers thinking they are holier than thou.

I don't ever hear parents that formula feed their babies condemning those who breastfeed, so why do those who breastfeed feel they have the right to condemn those of us that don't?

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