Yesterday, I said that tornadoes may be coming through my area. I had NO IDEA just how big and devastating the storms coming through my area were going to be. There were apparently more than 50 tornadoes in Alabama yesterday, 10 of which were F4 or F5 in strength.
Our power went off and on starting about 9am and then went permanently off about 11:00am. About 11:15am, we started getting pounded with hail, which is a precursor to tornadoes. Doug was at work, so Weston and I huddled in the hallway with the dogs. It's hard to contain a 10 month old and two rambunctious dogs in a hallway, in case you were wondering.
Since we had no power, I got weather reports on my phone. We hung out in the hallway for a while and when it appeared that the storms had passed, I decided to put Weston down for a nap. Since I am spoiled and need air condition to function, I had a lot of trouble relaxing in the stagnant house. Therefore, I just read by the window until Weston woke up. About that time, Doug got home.
Although we didn't have power, there was no damage to our house or fence. We were really blessed. We did not realize how badly our area was affected.
We decided to go look for dinner, (wrongly) assuming that it was just our area that was out of power and there must be areas around us with power and food. We drove around for about 90 minutes looking for dinner. NOTHING in our area had power and the damage we saw around was shocking. Just north of us, a high school was torn up and a Piggly Wiggly was completely leveled. We ended up at a Publix grocery store that was running on generators and bought sandwich items. We sat in the parking lot and ate our dinner.
Doug, Weston and I were planning on leaving this afternoon to go to Atlanta for the baseball game, however Doug didn't have to work today (no power), so we opted to leave this morning for air condition, Internet and family. My parents are at our house watching the dogs.
I feel horrible leaving my parents, neighbors and community right now. I am SO very thankful that we were left unscathed from the storm and feel like I should volunteer, helping those who were not so lucky. When we get back from Atlanta, I plan to volunteer at shelters or a church helping in whatever ways I can.
As we left town, the damage in light was so much worse than what we saw last night. My parents are hearing there will be no power for at least a week, if not longer. A lot of the repair trucks are going to Tuscaloosa, where there was more damage and there's many abandoned college students down there.
After seeing the damage in our area and around the South the outbreak of tornadoes have done, I am sure that if we were directly hit at our home, we probably all would have been dead. Our hallway would definitely not have held up, collapsing on top of all of us. Weston may have been ripped out of my arms.
I'm not trying to be dramatic, but as we drove to Atlanta today, I was thinking about just how much worse it could have been and how my baby and I could have died yesterday. I am so thankful to God for protecting my family and my immediate neighborhood.
I will be praying for those families who lost everything and/or family members and hope you will be too.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
4 days ago
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