December 7, 2010

Decorating the Inside

So it turns out that we don't have nearly as many things to decorate the inside of our house as I thought we did.  Most of the Christmas boxes in the garage contain items to decorate the tree.  As Doug pointed out, this is probably because we lived in a much smaller house last year during the holidays.  We now live in a home almost double the size, so we have a lot more space to decorate and a lot fewer items to decorate with.  That means more shopping (yay!) for decorations.  In the meantime, I have pictures of the few decorations we do have.

This is our fireplace and hearth.  The long red thing is a book that unfolds into a little Christmas album.  We also have a framed picture of a snow family that reads "...the greatest of these is LOVE". 

When I got my first full-time job, I saved money up for this Santa and reindeer set.  I saw it at Hallmark and liked it.  Unfortunately, it was a lot more expensive than I thought it would be, so it took a good long while to buy all of the pieces.  Therefore, it's coming out every Christmas until it gets broken or my children throw it away. Haha.

These are candle holders that my mom bought us a few weeks ago to go on our hearth.  They are a cute little addition.

These are our stockings (L-R: Doug's, Weston's, mine). Weston's was actually purchased last year when we didn't know what we were having.  I still think it's cute, even though it isn't personalized and isn't a "First Christmas" stocking.

Because we have a gullible Great Dane, my mom found this and thought it would be fun to mess with Hattie.  Scooby Doo sings a song and dances and Hattie HATES it.  She tries to carry it around, even while it is singing and moving.  When I pulled it out today, Weston thought it was great.  He was grinning and giggling watching Scooby do his thing.

Finally, here is our tree stand.  My parents found it last year and I thought it was different than the normal round one and pretty cute as well.  Since it will be difficult to get a good picture of the stand after the tree is in it, I figured I'd take a picture now.

Here's is day 7 of the Advent tree.

It's another very cold one here.  It didn't get above 30 today.  I'm waiting for snow, but it seems that rain doesn't coincide with freezing temperatures.  Maybe this weekend I'll have better luck?

Cuddle up with your loved ones and have a great night!

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