December 4, 2010

Decorating for the Holidays

Doug and I had hoped to decorate the outside and inside of our house for Christmas today.  Unfortunately, decorating the outside of the house took a lot longer than we had planned on and it's not done yet.  We have lights on the house and the "Santa Stop Here" sign up.  I will take pictures tomorrow when the outside (and hopefully the inside of our house, too) is all decorated.

A little more about the "Santa Stop Here" sign.  When Will and I were younger, either when I was six and Will was a newborn or the following year, our parents, who LOVE to decorate for Christmas, made a Santa sign for my our yard.  Our dad did the cutting of the wood and our mom painted the stop sign and the signs that went beneath it.  Since it is just myself and my brother, the signs said "1 Girl" and "1 Boy".  They wanted us to think that Santa had dropped it off and that having a sign signified that he knew we were good children and he would be back on Christmas Eve.  I always loved having it in our yard, even when I was older and the jig was up.  When I was 10 or 11, someone came to our house and stole it and for whatever reason, my parents just never made a new one.

This year, since it is Weston's first Christmas, I asked my parents if they would make one for me him.  They obliged, since Weston's Papa and Mamma would do anything and everything for him.  They also made signs that match the one for Weston that say "1 Great Dane" and "1 Labrador" and gave us extra signs for when we add to our family.  Doug and I were so excited to put it up in our yard today.  We quickly found out that the Alabama ground is nothing like the Florida ground.  Alabama soil is almost solid and therefore putting a pole into the ground is nearly impossible.  Doug improvised and we finally got the pole somewhat into the ground and sturdied it as well.  Here are a couple pictures of it.  I hope to get pictures of it during the day tomorrow.

After our long day, we ended up getting Publix subs.  When Doug and I lived in Florida, there were always Publix grocery stores around.  Then, when we lived in Mississippi and south Alabama, there weren't Publix stores.  Anyone who has been to Publix knows that they have the BEST bakery.  Doug and I wanted something sweet to go with our subs, so we browsed the bakery and ended up with this little treat.

It's a cake that looks like a cup of hot chocolate.  As cold as it was this afternoon and evening, we need some hot chocolate!!  We haven't eaten it yet, but definitely plan to soon.

Weston was very sleepy, but remembered to add an ornament to his Advent tree.

Have a great night.  More pictures tomorrow (hopefully).

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