January 3, 2011

Several Things About Me

There are idiosyncrasies about me that make me who I am.  Here is a list of some of them:
  • I like even numbers.  I can't have the volume on the tv or the car stereo be an odd number.
  • I shake the gallon of milk before I pour it.
  • I don't like grates.  I won't walk over them and I'll go out of my way to avoid them.
  • When I stock the pantry, I make sure that all the labels are facing forward.
  • I HAVE to have the fan on while I sleep all year round.  It can be literally freezing outside and I have the fan on.
  • I don't like going over bridges.  The only exception to this is the Brooklyn Bridge, but only on foot.
  • Except if I am absolutely exhausted, I need to have the tv on to fall asleep.
  • It irritates me when people don't spell or use grammar correctly.  Also, I am irritated when people put extra letters on words (partyyy, sleeppp)
  • I HATE feet.  I don't like my own and I am physically ill when I see others'.  The odd thing about this is that I don't like wearing shoes and I grew up in Florida where everyone wears sandals and their feet are exposed year-round.
These are only some of them.  I can't really think of any others right now, but I'm sure that there are more.

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