When I was in college, I was introduced to a book by Judith Viorst called Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. The point the professor was making with the book is before we (the teachers) got upset with a student for not paying attention or being in a bad mood, take into consideration that perhaps they had a bad morning or something may be going on at home. However, this book is a good reminder that everyone has bad days.
Today, I have had a day that seems like Alexander's. Nothing has gone right today. I was changing Weston's diaper and he put his hand in the contents. I was making his lunch and spilled the bowl of food. I was doing laundry and dropped the bottle of fabric softener, spilling sticky blue goo on the comforter sitting on the floor. I needed to take a shower. Weston screamed the entire time I was in the shower, making me feel like I was a horrible mom for leaving him alone and taking 5 minutes for myself.
Also, I have not been able to focus on anything today. I went to get the mail and realized the garbage can needed to be brought up. I took the garbage can as far as the garage door, intending to go through the house, open the garage door and bring the can into the garage. As I was walking toward the garage, I thought about dinner and wondered if we had all the ingredients for dinner. Then I remembered I had laundry in the washer and it needed to be switched into the dryer. By this time, I had forgotten about the garbage can, so I started playing with Weston. In the middle of playing with him, I remembered I need to get the garbage can, so I halted playing and went to take care of it. When I came back in, Weston was screaming.
So, basically, I am ready to call it a day and climb into bed, watch a mindless movie and start fresh tomorrow. Too bad I have a husband and child who both depend on dinner, not that Doug's not capable, but I need to spend time with them, especially Doug. However, when I do finally climb into bed tonight, I will pray that tomorrow brings a more peaceful, simple day.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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