Weston must have really needed his sleep last night because he went to bed about 10 and he didn't wake up until about 10:30 this morning. This would be fine, except his schedule is getting thrown off, so then he is crankier and napping at odd times during the day.
I didn't have really have a good day. I've been semi-sad all day that Weston is 6 months old. As much as I am enjoying seeing him grow, learn and discover new things, I miss the days when he was my little newborn guy. Doug tells me all the time that I should enjoy each stage and I know I should. He tells me that Weston is smaller today than he will be tomorrow. I guess I just realize that Weston is closer to a toddler than a newborn and miss that.
I definitely had days when I wondered if I was ever going to sleep for more than an hour at a time again. I wondered (and still do sometimes) if I/we made a mistake by having a baby so early in our marriage. Then I see Weston smile and I know that it is all worth it. I also see that he is getting so big and as much as I enjoy getting several hours of sleep in a row, I miss the newborn Weston.
In 6 months, Weston won't be my baby anymore, but my increasingly independent toddler. In a short time after that, he'll wave to me as he enters his kindergarten class. Shortly after that, he'll be driving away to college and then he'll be getting married and having his own children.
Can't we keep them little forever?
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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