Last December, shortly after I found out I was pregnant, my husband and I discussed whether or not we were going to "do" Santa Claus in our house. Although we both grew up with Santa visiting our houses, I didn't want to carry on the tradition.
I discovered the truth about Santa when I was in 4th grade from some peers at school. When I got home from school one day, I snooped in my mom's wallet and found the list of things my brother and I were getting that year. That confirmed what the children at school were saying. I actually remember one item that was on that list. I don't remember being that bummed out when I found out that Santa was really my parents.
My brother, who didn't listen to what the children at school were saying, waited until he was 13 to finally concede that Santa wasn't real. When he did find out, he was SO upset and broken up about it. He told my parents that they lied to him and that it made him very sad to find out that my parents were pretending to be someone that he thought was real.
My brother's huge disappointment is why I didn't want to be Santa, or more accurately, Mrs. Claus. I don't want to set my children up for the same letdown that my brother experienced. However, between my parents and my husband, I was convinced that one of the best things about childhood is looking forward to Santa Claus visiting your house. So, after much discussion, our children will have Santa Claus visiting their house each December.
The weekend before Thanksgiving, Doug and I took Weston to the mall to sit in Santa's lap for the first time. The visit when quite well, with no tears or fits. We'll see how it goes next year when he's a little more cognizant of strangers.
With less than two weeks left, Doug and I are finishing up shopping for Weston and although he already has so much for under the tree, it never feels like we have enough for our little boy. He is a very blessed little boy that his daddy and I can afford to provide for him.
I do get to save time on Weston's gifts because we are not wrapping them. Doug grew up with Santa's presents being wrapped, but I did not. My point of view is that Santa doesn't have enough time to circumnavigate the globe and wrap presents for all the girls and boys. Also, by having unwrapped presents under the tree, it helps to differentiate between what Santa brought and what family brought/sent. Therefore, on Christmas morning, Weston will have unwrapped presents under the tree from Santa.
I'm very excited to be Mrs. Claus this year, as it is my first one, but since he's so little, he won't even realize what's going on. I know as he gets older and receives what he asked Santa for, it will be a lot more fulfilling to see his face on Christmas morning. Which reminds me, maybe I should go write his letter to Santa...
Advent day 14:
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
I'm telling you, Santa has way more time than you are giving him. He can totally wrap everything. ;-) I really can't wait until Weston starts being more aware of what is going on and how amazing Christmas really is. I'm almost excited enough for him to really love Christmas that I don't care that he will wake us up at 4 AM some years...almost...