Today was rather uneventful. We stayed home for the first half of the day and then we went shopping for groceries and finished our Christmas shopping. Yes, I know Christmas was 2 days ago, but we didn't know what to buy for a few people and so the brainstorming took until today. The recipients know that their gifts are arriving late and it's kind of like a second or delayed Christmas for them.
We were also searching for a Bumbo for Weston. Apparently, they are a hot item, because it took us 6 stores to finally find one that wasn't pink or lilac. We finally got one and Weston enjoys sitting in it while watching the world go by. We picked a green one so that we can use the Bumbo for future babies.
While we were shopping, we came across a bloodmobile, so Doug and I gave blood. Doug had never given blood before. He was very brave. Haha. I have given blood many times before, beginning when I was in high school. I did it back then to get out of class, specifically French. Anyway, 2 (or more) people in north Alabama will now benefit from our blood.
Tomorrow we have a busy day, so hopefully the weather will be warmer, since today was fairly frigid.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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