Today was a very busy day for us. We had to go to the pediatrician, the DMV, the post office and the bank.
This morning, Weston had his 6 month (!) pediatrician appointment, complete with vaccinations. Since we moved, this was the first time meeting his new pediatrician. I guess I like her alright, but she is expecting a baby, so she'll be on maternity leave for a while. I wish I had known that before we chose her. Also, our previous pediatrician apparently didn't give Weston one of the vaccines he was supposed to be receiving, so we are having to play catch-up. I have to go back in 4 weeks and then 4 weeks after that to accomplish this. Lucky me. However, the vaccine is by mouth, so no pokes, and he will remain healthy, so it's worth it.
We then went to the DMV. That was the nightmare DMVs usually are. When Doug and I got our licenses in Mississippi, we were in and out in about 15 minutes. Not today. Because it was getting close to Weston's lunch and nap time, obviously there was no way that they would be quick. Why would we want to keep our child on his schedule? It was the DMV's lunch time and only one person was working, but no one told us that until we had been there about an hour. We ended up feeding Weston in his car seat, so then he was a happy camper. Bottom line, we were there for 3 hours and at the conclusion of our visit, we are given a PAPER license and told that we will receive the plastic one in the mail in about 30 days. What kind of ghetto state do we live in that they don't give you your actual license then and there?!
Since we had our late Christmas gifts to send, we had to go to the post office. When we walked in there was no one in line. This would have been great except that we had to tape and label the boxes (since you have to use the post office tape and labels for the particular boxes we had) and when we finished doing that, there were 6 or 7 people in line and again, 1 person working. Also, we used the "flat-rate" boxes, which are supposed to be cheaper. However, when we got ready to pay for the shipping, the person informed us that we could have saved about $12 had we used different boxes. Excellent.
Our final stop was the bank. We had to talk to someone there and we knew it wouldn't be a quick visit. When we ended up with the officer we did, we knew we should have packed a lunch and dinner for ourselves. Doug and I have each dealt with this guy before. He is quite strange and moves veeeerrrrryyyy slow. Therefore, by the time we got finished, we had been there for more than an hour.
When we got home, I fell asleep on the couch for a bit. I was exhausted from our day. I'm hoping tomorrow we can just hang out and not go all over town.
After a yummy dinner, we took our Christmas tree and decorations down. Doug ended up having to do surgery on our vacuum to get the pine needles out of it, as it kept clogging. While he was doing that, I entertained a very sleepy Weston. He threw up his dinner 3 times, but otherwise seemed fine. No fever, he was acting fine, just sleepy. This is the first throw up we've had, so I got a little worried, but after a call to Mom, it turns out, he is just fine.
After Doug and I put Weston to sleep, we played a new game we got for Christmas. It was a lot of fun and more challenging that it at first seemed.
All in all, we had a good, but long day. The evening together at home was the best though.
Tomorrow, I think we are hanging pictures to make our house a home, since we didn't put any house decorations up when we moved in, just Christmas ones.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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