Although I have seen videos and pictures of my first few Christmases, I don't remember them firsthand.
My first Christmas, my mom and dad took me to the store to try me out in my presents. There is a picture of me sitting in the rocking chair that I later received in the store. Since I was the first grandchild and niece (or nephew) on my mom's side of the family, everyone in my family went WAAAAAY overboard on gifts for me. My only complaint from my first Christmas is that my parents dressed me like a boy. Haha.
My second Christmas, I received a baby stroller and I was trying to take it somewhere and my grandmother was apparently in my way, so I told her "ottawa" (out of the way). I was rather bossy. I guess I still am (at times).
My third Christmas, I walked out into the living room, saw what Santa brought and then turned right back around and went back to bed. I'm sure that made my parents feel great.
The first Christmas I actually remember is when I was 5. We lived in an apartment and I remember coming out to see what Santa brought. He had brought me, among other things, a bike and a stuffed dog, whom I later named Sparky, that was sitting on the seat. I loved that dog and brought him with me everywhere, even to college. I still have him, but he is missing the majority of his stuffing and he's in very rough shape. I also learned to ride my bike behind the apartment complex, with my dad and uncle pushing me and then just letting go. I don't know if this is the best way to teach a little girl how to ride a bike.
My favorite memory from Christmas is when I was 6. On Christmas Eve, I went to bed and in the middle of the night, I saw light outside of my window (obviously Rudolph's nose) and heard jingle bells (from the reindeer harnesses). I then jumped out of bed and looked through the door to our living room. Santa was in there arranging presents and nibbling on a cookie!! It's quite amazing what a child's imagination conjures up when they believe so strongly in something.
The following Christmas, my parents had separated, so I lived in Florida with my mom and brother, while my dad lived in Texas. Right before Christmas, my parents reunited and so we moved to Texas. My mom ended up putting our Christmas gifts in the dryer on the moving truck so that we would not see them. She was successful and on Christmas morning, I received those ugly Troll dolls. I thought they were the greatest things and my mom HATED them, so when I found out that's what Santa brought, I remember telling my mom that Santa loved me, since he knew she loathed Trolls. This was the same Christmas that our Beagle puppy, Chelsea, somehow pulled the entire tree, ornaments and all, down on top of her while we were out and scratched her cornea pretty badly.
Another memory that I will always cherish is when my brother was around 11 or 12, he decided he wanted to be one of Santa's elves. In the town we lived in, there were a few people that would answer phone calls near Christmas posing as Santa and Mrs. Claus. So, being the great big sister I am, I called the phone number to "inquire" about how one becomes an elf. I felt so incredibly stupid asking about a fake job title, but my brother's face lit up when I told him I'd call and ask for him. Unfortunately for Will, Santa wasn't hiring anymore elves at that time, so Will would have to wait.
Christmas of 2004, I asked for a pair of UGG boots. I don't remember now what color I asked for, but on Christmas morning, I awoke to UGG the wrong color, sort of. The boots I received were in the color I asked for, but I the color I asked for was not the color I really wanted. Somehow I had written down the wrong color. For the record, I kept the color I received and still wear them to this day.
A couple of Christmases later, all I really wanted was an iPod nano. I went on and on about getting one and I believe they came in pink, green and blue at that point. However, shortly before Christmas, they came out with a red one. Red is my favorite color and so of course I HAD to have the red one. Little did I know that my parents had already been to the nearest Apple store (an hour away) and purchased a pink one. Well, because I wouldn't shut up about having a red one, they drove back up to the store and exchanged it. However, they put it in the very bottom of my stocking, so on Christmas morning, I was disappointed that I didn't get my beloved iPod. You know, until I emptied my stocking. What a materialistic person I was. I'd like to think that I am not nearly that materialistic or high maintenance anymore.
I think that this is why Christmas is my favorite holiday and favorite time of the year; the memories are never-ending and you get to see the joy on others faces. I hope that Weston will grow up with nothing but happy Christmas memories. I am SO excited to start new memories and traditions this year for my sweet little boy. Doug and I have already established the Christmas Eve tradition of watching Polar Express and sipping hot chocolate.
Christmas is an awesome time for family and memories, but we mustn't forget that the real purpose in CHRISTmas is Jesus Christ.
Day 15 ornament addition on the Advent Tree:
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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