*This is a bodily fluids post. Read at your own risk.*
Weston usually has no issues moving food through his body. Even if he's had a small stoppage, we've given him either more time or a little apple juice and everything moves on through.
Since we've been giving him Tylenol for his teething, he has become stopped up more frequently. He's not really a fan of the reduced sugar apple juice though, so we can't give him much of it before he will stop drinking it. He hadn't had "progress" for a couple of days and it was starting to affect his stomach. Therefore, we decided as a last resort, to give him prunes. Most people won't eat prunes by choice, however many people swear by prunes to help relieve constipation.
Weston isn't picky and will eat just about anything. The first few bites of prunes went well, but very quickly Weston figured out that he wasn't a fan of prunes and then clenched his jaw shut, refusing to eat anymore. Doug and I ended up wrestling with a 9 month old to get the majority of a container of prunes into his body.
We had given him the prunes at about 10pm (he's usually in bed by now, but we wanted to get him some relief as soon as possible and it was time for his night feeding anyway). I figured the prunes would work overnight, possibly causing a blowout and mess in the crib. However, the next morning, there was no relief for Weston, but thankfully, also no mess for me to clean up. Before his afternoon nap, I put Weston on the changing table, but he only had a wet diaper. As I put the clean diaper under him, he coughed. Apparently the cough broke the dam and let's just say that Weston was given relief and I was given a huge mess to tend to. I was just glad that Weston was no longer stopped up.
Perhaps after the prune experience, Weston will be more open to drinking the apple juice we give him.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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