May 21, 2012

Mo Isom

As I have previously mentioned, I am a HUGE fan of LSU.  I was going to go there for college, but ended up staying in Florida.  My aunt and uncle went to LSU and Fall 2013, my cousin is planning on going there as well. 

As you may or may not have heard, there is a girl trying out for the men's football team.  She wants to be the placekicker and has been working out with the team for several months now.  

This girl's name is Mo Isom and she was on the soccer team for 4 years, kicked a 90 yard goal, has been on the honor roll, was Homecoming Queen, her list of accomplishments goes on and on.  She is also an awesome Christian.  She had two horrible and traumatic events occur within 10 months of each other, which had her at polar ends of her Christian walk.  You'll have to go to to Mo Isom's website and read about all of her accomplishments, but also the trials she has been through.

I follow Mo on Twitter.  I saw on Saturday that she tweeted she was going to be speaking at a church in Nashville.  Since I live close enough to Nashville, I asked Doug if we could go see her speak.

Yesterday, we went to First Baptist Church Nashville to hear her speak.  She shared her testimony and challenged the high school seniors (who were being celebrated yesterday) to go out into the world and not be afraid of your Christianity.  She warned them that they will face temptation and adversity, but that God will not challenge you beyond what you can handle.

After the service, Mo was standing in the foyer greeting people.  I spoke to her for a minute and then I asked her to take a picture.  She readily agreed.  She is so nice and very down to earth.  If I could re-live my life, I would like to be like Mo Isom.

Mo is such an inspiration and excellent role model for young adults.  

1 comment:

  1. My sister is working as a missionary on the LSU campus...I'm going to have to ask her about this girl. She sounds pretty amazing!

    (Thanks for stopping by my blog from the Alabama bloggers link on Kelly's Korner! Sorry to be so long in responding...I look forward to keeping up with you!)
